Moira Furnace, Easter
Easter Rally 2022. Arrived on Thursday in brilliant sunshine which stayed with us all weekend. Obviously ordered by the Marshalls. Thursday night free and easy meeting with friends and catching up. Friday in the party tent for a get together. Saturday American supper and raffle followed by bingo. The American supper would not have been out of place at an up-market function. It was amazing. Tea and coffee was on tap all weekend which was lovely, hot cross buns were had. Thanks to the people who kept the boiler topped up. Easter Sunday bacon baps were done for everyone and later saw a well organised egg hunt for the children and an adult and children’s Easter bonnet parade. Some amazing creations. Sunday night saw us in the party tent again just chilling and chatting. An excellent rally, friendly and welcoming as is to be expected on a 4Cs rally. Thanks to the Marshalls for all their hard work and everyone who helped. Personal thanks to SR for the drink on Thursday. Really enjoyed the ra