Moira Furnace Museum & co, June 27th to 30th 2024

A lovely rally run by SR & PR and SP & JP. A great little site with a children's park nearby and some fabulous walks. One along the canal which takes you to a pub ( Halfway House ) at Donisthorpe which has a great beer garden with children's play area. The weather was cloudy with some sunshine apart from some heavy rain during Saturday night. Thursday was a chill out afternoon/evening with members sitting outside together catching up and then later retiring to the clubs party tent, for more catchup time and laughs. Friday we took a walk along the canal to the pub for a pint and a cheese and onion cob. We had a blackout and won happy days lol. Then we all met up in the party tent to socialize together and enjoy a drink and some snacks brought in by a member. Saturday in the morning we went for a walk to the local co-op and post office/off license. It was a fantastic afternoon playing games, Shuffleboard, cornhole, hook ring toss game, quoits and horseshoe throw. The men competed against each other, the women against each other and the children against each other. There were lots of laughs and cheering each other on.  Later that evening we went to the party tent to announce the winners. The winner of the mens was GW the women LB, they both won a free Admin pass and the winner of the children's was RD who won a bag of sweets. SN&RN



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